AOL mail sign Up | Sign in AOL true AOL mail sign Up | Sign in AOL true

Aol mail is a massive email service from the all-time great American Online commonly referred to as AOL.

Sometimes, people represent AOL Mail as AIM Mail which stands for the instant messenger part of the mail service; AOL Instant Messenger.

Aol Mail is a free Mail service that runs in 54 major world languages. The mail service just like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Rediff mail, or GMX mail requires mail registration and sign in process.

To sign in, click this link.

What You need to know about was launch into active mail service in the year 1993. It is an online webmail service built to give massive competition to Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo mail then.

AoL mail got its first overhaul in 2012. It was summer of 2012 that aol mail changed it look to a much more fanciful look it is presently having.

Features of aol mail You will need to know.

  1. Most major mail service company goes with limited storage space. But aol mail storage capacity is unlimited. It can house all your files and will need more.
  2. Attachment minimum size is put at 25 MB just like the likes of Gmail and Yahoo mail.
  3. Account expiry date: Gmail and Yahoo mail gives it users 6months before inactive mails are deleted or block but has a shorter date to that. You can only be giving the Period of 90 days to reactivate Your AOL Mail or else you will be standing a chance of losing your entire mail and the files.
  4. support POP3, SMTP, IMAP. So users can opt for any of these settings
  5. Spam Protection: when using aol mail, you have to be confidence that you cant be attacked by spammers. The is built with a great defense against spam using its smart spam filter.
  6. Virus attack is preventing from this mail service. The mail came with an intuitive virus protection against virus attack.
  7. Users are opened to the spell checking features when using This aimed at eradicating typographical errors.
  8. Domain Option: users can get any of their choice domains from the arrays of Domain available. This domain includes;,, and more.
  9. You can use, SSS/HTTPS when you are logged in.
  10. You can undo emails sent to a fellow Aol mail client. This feature is scarce in another mail service.
  11. When logged on to, you can easily link your mail account to other webmail giant like Gmail and Hotmail without stress.
  12. This mail displays ads but it is minimal to help raise funds for the running of the free service.
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Aol mail  Project Phoenix. introduced Quick Bar that allows users send emails, text messages, AOL Instant Messenger from one area

Aol Mail Sign Up and Sign In

To run an account on, you will need to have an account with Aol.

Click this link to logon to the official webpage, click on create an account to sign up if you are new.

Click on sign in button to sign in if you already have an account with