Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features Now Available on Android Device

Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features Now Available on Android Device: Gmail finally made available the long awaited Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features on android mail app. This was made available last week Tuesday when Gmail officially made the announcement of the features during its lunch.

The two features are simple but very important to the day to day functioning of the Gmail app on the mobile. With these feature (Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features), users using the latest app now have buttons option to use in unsubscribing those unwanted mail service or newsletters (social media updates some times) or the entire blocking of a mail address.

These Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features is presently on android mobile device, hoping to see future release on iOS.

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The unsubscribing feature was available in the desktop version before now. Gmail just saw the need to have it on the mobile version as the use of mobile devices keep growing by the day.

So with the new features, you can now go ahead and get off that annoying mailing list from your Android device as well. Just the same way you can on the desktop.

The blocking feature is new both to the mobile and desktop version of Gmail.

Users can locate the “block” features at the right side corner menu of their message box, a llittle below the “print” option.

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How to Locate Gmail Block and Unsubscribed Features on Your mobile app

To access this feature, simply Tap it and that marks the last time you will get that annoying message from that contact as all subsequent mails from same contact will henceforth be moved into your spam folder.

You can choose to unblock the contact using your Gmail settings.

The “unsubscribe” button is another great feature that I have used it on the desktop version of Gmail. The button is now available on the mobile. It is located on the app’s top-right corner menu (while you’re viewing a message), below the “Mark important” toption of same app.

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