How To Hide the Last Seen Time On Whatsapp

How To Hide the Last Seen Time On Whatsapp ; 

Whatsapp has turned out to be one of the most use tool for communication. Over the years, we have seen this free messenger record close to 1 billion users.

Whatsapp will not stop adding new features that will help better your user experience. In case you don’t know, WhatsApp messenger allows you send free SMS, videos call, voice calls, send and receive multimedia. These files include those beautiful photos, videos and lots more. We earlier on talked about How to Switch Between Phones on Whatsapp Messenger.

In this article, we will be looking at How To Hide the Last Seen Time. This will certainly help better your user experience.

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Each time we check on another contact list on WhatsApp, we can easily detect when last such an individual came online. This is done using the last seen option. With this, it is pretty easy to study and when a certain contact last visited WhatsApp.

This article will help you avoid this constraint as your followers after now can no longer detect when last you came online.  This will be made possible when you disable the “Last Seen” option from your privacy settings.

How To Hide the Last Seen Time On Whatsapp

To avoid people detecting your presence on WhatsApp messenger, you will need to deactivate the “Last Seen” that usually appear under your name. This is the only tool that tells people when last you appeared on this social media network.

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To get this done, you will need to set the “Last Seen” to Nobody.

Launch your WhatsApp app,Go to Settings >Account >Privacy> and set the option to Nobody.

With this, nobody will ever identify your presence on WhatsApp again.

The only limitation is that this setting will restrict you from seen that of other users as well.

Hope this help, share with a friend on your social network as well.

This option is applicable to both the iOS, Android, blackberry, and windows phone WhatsApp users.