Apple Steps Into Virtual Reality

Apple is out to follow the footsteps of fellow Tech giants; Facebook, Google and Microsoft to delve into a new technology water of virtual and augmented reality technology. This area is seen by most analysts as the next future tech biggest market.

Apple showed their interest in virtual reality when it announced that it has acquired an augmented reality start-up called Flyby Media and to complement hired Doug Bowman. Doug has been in charge of Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech.  He has before now done research works mainly on topics as immersion in virtual environments. Doug is sound in the area of Virtual.

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Apple public orator admit and confirmed the acquisition and Flyby deal when he, “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.”

This Future of Virtual Reality look bright and as well the area of technology with interest from Facebook Microsoft Apple out to invest billions of dollars in this sector. No wonder Linc Gsking of 8i called Virtual reality prospect as “the next operating system”. Virtual Reality according to Facebook Spokes person has the potential to transform games, movies, social networks and work and how we live everyday life.

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No wonder Linc Gasking of 8i called Virtual reality prospect as “the next operating system”. Virtual Reality according to Facebook Spokesperson has the potential to transform games, movies, social networks and work and how we live everyday life.

We are looking forward to seeing what reality Apple creates out of virtual.