Avast Software: AVG to be sold to Avast for $1.3 billion

Avast Software: AVG to be sold to Avast  for $1.3 billion.

Avast software and antivirus giant is out to buy over rival antivirus war house AVG.  Avast, the leading antivirus power-house made it intention know when it announces its plan to acquire AVG Technology, a similar leading software service providers and anti malware to secure devices, data, and people, for  a massive US$1.3 billion.

According to news at our disposer, both antimalware giants has signed a common document to that effect. This document of the agreement signed will see Avast Software buy the famous AVG in no distant time for a fee of $1.3 billion. A great deal it will turn out to be.

Both management team of Avast and AVG are privy to this agreement. It is now established that both parties have reached and conclusive agreement to this effect. The AVG team is now left with the option of accepting the agreement so far reached by both negotiators.

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More From Avast Software Acquisition Deal.

This deal once completed will see Avast move to the next height of technological development.

Avast Tech  is sure to move to the next level of development with this deal. Avast is out to take advantage of the emerging software market and move on in spreading its tentacle.

In the words of Vince Steckler, chief executive officer of Avast Software,

“We are in a rapidly changing industry, and this acquisition gives us the breadth and technological depth to be the security provider of choice for our current and future customers,”

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Both companies have their history and origin traced to the Czech Republic in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They both helped in the pioneering of antivirus and anti malware.

Both software comes with its unique scan of quick, full, and flash scan. These scans when functioning on a fully updated software will put a permanent end to malware such as Trojan, rogues, dialers, worm, spyware, rootkits, and lots more.

Both went global in the easily 2000s with their security software programme which marked their great growth. They both have the qualities of best antivirus.