Chrome extension that puts tabs to sleep so they don’t kill your browser

Chrome extension that puts tabs to sleep so they don’t kill your browser

Ever since the advent of Google browser called Chrome, users’ base and popularity have continued to grow. Lots of internet surfers have moved to chrome browser for different reasons. Some love chrome browser for its friendly interface and easy navigation, some prefer chrome browser because it comes with lots of plug-ins, Chrome extension, and add-ons that suit their various need. At the same time, chrome users have always complained bitterly of a major limitation that Chrome Browser has which is its tendency to suck memory and slow down computers when tabs are left open.

Loyal chrome web browser users can now sing for joy with the introduction of, A new Chrome extension fixes this by temporarily suspending any tabs you’re not using. You can even install it in less time than it takes to say where has this been all my life 10 times.

Sounds great right? With this extension, users can now manage their tabs effectively, because users can now manage when tabs can be put “to sleep” — say from 20, 30 seconds to three days.  These tabs that are placed on sleep mode can be accessed any time the users want them again. Tabs you haven’t used in a while, depending on the time period you set, will turn blue and read “Tab suspended. Click to reload.” A quick click will bring it back to life.

This Chrome extension also lets’s add any websites to a “whitelist,” which exempts certain pages from suspension no matter what the case may be (such as work email, Facebook and so on). Users can choose to personalize the feature either manual or automatic, you can decide to tweak it, let’s say the ability to only suspend tabs only when you are online, when your system is connected to the power or when running on battery power.

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OneTab is another great Chrome extension that chrome has that can help users save memory by suspending some tabs, The Great Suspender comes with the ability to keeps your tabs visible and accessible even when they aren’t active and is easy to customize.