Facebook Releases New Tools For Live TV Broadcast

Facebook.com: relationship between TV content and social media networks has grown over the years which Facebook is not ready to be left out from when it introduced new arsenal Second Screen tools for broadcasters.

Second screen helps viewers to engage with Live TV events using social media networks as a tool to for expressing their say as per the Live TV program or event.

Though twitter was the forerunner of this idea before it suffered some level of compromise due to slow product growth.

Apple is not doing any bad in this business of second screen event TV shows.

Recent events have shown TV viewers connecting with Facebook during their preferred TV shows. One recent event on Facebook for Business blog showed that 85% of contributors were actually on their TV Screen watching the event live.

Facebook Broadcast second screen features will help increase Facebook audience mostly during prime time TV shows; with maximum TV views. It can also be used for polls for live events, and can also be used to display specific Facebook content stream with much ease.

Currently, Facebook is developing APIs that will bring in couple of new ways for viewers to make their views known during a Live event on TV.

The APIs will enable easy visual cohesion to a conversation happening in a specific event like emmys. To this end, Facebook.com is working more with partners in giving out tailored experience to their distinguish user groups for broadcasters through this latest release of API.

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Facebook main intention is to make it possible for viewers to engage with their favorite TV broadcast and as well making it possible for broadcasting media companies to show off what viewers has to say as per the show.

More broadcasting companies are looking forward  to bringing in this the Facebook feature to their various TV live show.

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