Google Datalab: Google Opens Its New Interactive, Exploring And Visual Datalab.

Google Datalab: Google Opens Its New Interactive, Exploring And Visual Datalab.

After long period of putting together, building and planning, Google have finally announced the opening f its innovative Google datalab aimed at helping developers interact, explore and visualize data with some simple clicks

Accordi9ng to Google, this project will serve mainly developers “get insights from raw data and explore, share and publish reports in a fast, simple and cost effective way”

New Google Datalab

Google datalab service makes use of Jupyter notebooks (formally called Ipython) which permits users to form documents with live code and visualization. Jupyter is a popular name in the world of data science before now, so with this, using the new Google datalab would not be much of a huddle to most developers.

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Making use of cloud datalab like that of Google, it allows developers to explore, transform, visualize and as well process data that sits on Google BigQuery, Compute Engine and cloud storage. To effect this, users can explore Python, SQL and JavaScript (exploring Big Query user-defined function).

This will enable developers create their data pipeline for development into BigQuery or building machine learning models.

For developers to view data, they can use Google charting or the matpllotlid python library