Google Play Store troubleshooting : How to Troubleshoot Your Play Store

Google Play Store troubleshooting.

Whenever you get notification or your play store suddenly stops working, know that it is time to troubleshoot your play store app.

This error that is a code from Google Services Framework is puts up to communicate with apps on your device in the case of error in operation. It allows users to go for an update when necessary.

Some users asked questions ranging from;

  • What to do when Google Play isn’t working
  • Google Play Store error codes and more,

If you find out that this option is not working or any other issues coming up, then I will ask that you go for a Google Play Store troubleshooting which is the total clearing of the app’s cache.

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To get this done;

  • Move on to your mobile  Settings > Apps
  • Take a little Scroll down to the Google Play Store, click it, and click the Clear cache button.
  • Repeat same for Google Play services
  • With that done, I am sure your hitches will be fixed. This singular move will sort most issues that arise from this app service.

Hope this helped your situation. We are expecting to hearing from you if you got a contrary view on Google Play Store troubleshooting.