Instapaper Read It Later Chrome Addon | Instapaper Bookmarklet | Instapaper Safari Extension

Marco Arment left reddit to form instapaper-team with the aim of helping web users save web contents (Read Later) for later use.

Instapaper remains one of the best tools for saving web page browsed, and it is available for Android, iOS, Smartphone, ereader, computer browsers and more.

With over 5,000 active users, this service is that web solution that you need for saving your web pages until you are ready to use them again.

Established in the year 2007, this simple web services provider became one of the most used “Read Later” bookmarklet and stripped-down “Text” destination.

It services are free except for the $3.99 app sale cost for iOS app download and $2.99 for Android users.

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Outside the app option, this service is works good and fine on the web browser for free. While on any browser, users can use instapaper to save that content of choice for later use.

Once added to your saved items, the content joins up the queue of your unread materials on instapapers. The good part of it is that you can use any device to access this saved pages (web or app).

How Files are saved on Instapaper

I will like to spell it all out here that you may lose the graphic and excess HTML part of the saved pages. Any item you save on instapaper, they are quickly reformatted leaving just few text layout for your later use.

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All web users are free to access and explore instapaper for free. They only pay when they intend to use the services offline.

Though the service stands to face tough competition from– Evernote, Pocket, Readability, Readket and more.

In spite of the heat from the above mentioned sites, instapaper received positive vote from The New York Times, Macworld, The World Street Journal, Wired and more.

Join the instapaper services today.