How To pay your MetroPCS bill online

How To pay your MetroPCS bill online

If you are in the US, then this article will go a long way to helping you sort out issues on MetroPCS bill payment. But for some that don’t know what MetroPCS is, MetroPCS is a US company that is mainly into the mobile service. MetroPCS provide its user with standard nationwide 4G LTR service.

There are several ways you can pay your MetroPCS bill online. This is what is we are going to explain. Customers can pay bills online, through the mail, through the mobile phone.

How to  | pay your MetroPCS bill online

The online version is the perfect way to pay your MetroPCS bill online. To get this done, you will need to register your account online using the company’s official web page. The steps below will guide you;

  1. To get this done, launch your browser and visit bill-pay
  2. With the page opened, look out for the sign Up Now button. Select it to go to the registration page.
  3. With the registration page opened, you will be needed to key in information for the registration. Details like your name, personal password, lots more.
  4. With that done, select the verification Code link. It is a 6 digit code that is sent your mobile phone for verification and security purpose. Key it in into the space provided and click ‘Submit.’
  5. With your account fully registered, you will be sent a confirmation email to complete your MetroPCS account registration online.
  6. To make payment online, click here.
  7. This will display a page where you can enter other details to complete the process.
  8. Enter your mobile number, and click Yes as well as your password. Click on the ‘Next’ to go to your online account login.
  9. You can navigate or redirect to the payment section to pay off your bills.
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What you stand to Gain from your MetroPCS online account

Outsidehoursthe bill payment online, users stand to gains a whole lot with their MetroPCS account online.

  • Customers can view change in their phones and plans at their leisure.
  • It is possible to add lots of numbers to the account and view the data usage and balance. It serves family better.
  • All your transaction on the lines and history can be viewed from this online account.

Can I MetroPCS provide its user with standard nationwide 4G LTR service.

Those that don’t have access to above-mentioned or don’t want to use the online bill payment, you can use mail.

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To get this down,

  • Pick up your bill payment and write a check that reflects the amount on the statement.
  • Enter your customer account number in the check as well.
  • When you are through with the process, mail the said check to MetroPCS wireless, inc. PO Box 5119 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5119.
  • With the reception of your bill, the payment will be effected within 2 hour.

How do I Pay the Bills through My Phone

For those that can’t use any of the above mentioned methods of payment, you can go for the mobile phone option. You can just call MetroPCS 1-888-863-8768. You will be directed on how to get your bill paid. Follow the information and ensure that your payment information ready before time. Remember you will be charged $3.00 as service charge.

Can I Pay my Bills automatically?

It is possible to activate your phone bill payment automatically. You can make this active using your online account. It is very important for those don’t want any obstruction or bill payment issues monthly.

Contact and Support Phone Number: 888-863-8768


Bill Pay Online: Bill Pay Online

Activation: Activation

Registration: MetroPCS Register Account

Mail Payments: