How to protect Your Eyes from Computer Screen Glare

How to protect Your Eyes from Computer Screen Glare.

Protect Your Eyes from Computer Screen Glare now to help your sight mostly if you are constantly using PC for your works or for fun.

This article is meant for those that use a computer for long hours regularly.

A friend of mine likes using Computers for a longer hour socializing (Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, tagged, tango and more) and updating his site.

This prolongs exposure to PC could lead to eye problems caused by computer Screen glare on users’ eyes. It is always advised we protect our eyes from PC screen glare.

How to Prevent Eye Problems due to Long exposure To PC Screen.  Protect Your Eyes from Computer Screen Glare

  1. When using your computer for work, ensure that you close your eyes for a few seconds and blink at regular intervals to prevent dryness of the eyes due to long concentration on the computer screen.
  2. When having a long work to do on your PC, try and take say 5 to 10 minutes break after some period of concentration on your PC screen. You can choose to take work or coffee.
  3. Ensure your screen fonts are comfortable to your eyes. Straining to see a small font with high resolution over a long period of time could lead to an eye problem.
  4. Your working room should be properly lighted. I like making use of natural ambient light most time. Make sure there is no other stronger light falling on your eyes while you are working on your computer.
  5. Ensure your PC is properly contrasted and regulated to ensure adequate lighting from your PC while you work.
  6. Some people allow brighter light behind their PC while they work. This culture should be discouraged as it has a way of distracting you while you work and it will leave much light falling into your eyes.
  7. On your PC you can choose to go for a system with a larger monitor, use anti-glare cover, ensure your screen is clean, stay at least 20 inches from the PC screen and ensure that the monitor screen is aligned to your sitting position. This will ensure your eyes are well placed and positioned.
  8. On your health part, make sure you don’t use contact lens, it is better to be one glasses than a contact lens. Take some nature vitamin A diet for a proper health balance.
  9. Some software could still do the magic: soft wares like EyeCare, Flux, and Eye Protector PRO.
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I hope it helped?