Safelink wireless: Meet Safelink Customer Service for Free phone and Free Cell phone

Safelink wireless: Meet Safelink Customer Service for Free phone and Free Cell phone is the online version of the safelink cell phone. The question has been, what is safelink wireless all about. Safelink is a free cell phone assisted program.

This is structured for people of low-income and low pay jobs.

To visit safelink official webpage, click this link

Low income is not just all that is needed to participate in the program as families and persons need to qualify for the program since it is an assisted support program for low income earning population in the United State.

So when you are qualified, you can now apply for the program.

The various states come up with a comprehensive guide and criteria to which people living in such states can follow in other to qualify for the program.

Pitfalls to Avoid when applying for safelink wireless program

⇒The applicant must be a valid citizen of the United State

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⇒The Applicant must not participate in similar program in another state

⇒The said person must not be a participant in the similar program of the Federal Government.

⇒The Participant income must be lower than Poverty guideline thresh-hold.

⇒The participant’s Family members must not be on Lifeline Service at the said time.

Benefits of Safelink wireless and Free Cell Phone Program.

To the successful participants of the Safelink wireless free cell phone & Minute program, you will be entitled to 250 free minutes call time each month to make international and local calls as well as text for free. I mean totally free without any extra charges and bills. This whole information can be gotten from safelink customer service at

A brief Overview and History of Safelink wireless and

Just as stated earlier on, it remains a free call making program meant for low-income earning Families and home in the United State. It does not require any form of charge.  250 free minute of calls every month.

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This program’s origin and history can be traced back to 1996. It is a program that has giving succor to the downtrodden in the society.

How to apply for Safelink wireless at

Before we give you the procedures, ensure that you have an internet connection and most importantly, make sure you met the criteria for the program as stated above.

  1. Logon to the official website of or click here to do that.
  2. Key in your zip code in the box provided the click ‘GO’ to continue.
  3. Next is to click on ‘Apply’.
  4. A form for your details will be displayed, enter your details as may be required. Then click the ‘Next’ key.

Make sure your detailed information is correct.

If you ran into any difficult, you can contact safelink customer service for more details.