Social Media: Social Network Sites And How They Affect Your Live

Social Media: Social Network Sites And How They Affect Your Live

Often times the question “what is social media”?  Come up from so many people.  Social media is simply put as a tool for share or exchange of details, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual world. Also an avenue for people to share their activities with family, friends, and colleagues or to share their interest in a particular topic.

Advantages of social media is that it connects the world as an average 30 years old person today either grew up having a social account or knows social media sites.

Social Network Sites has grown in a number ranging from Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter which are the leading social sites.

Types Of Social Media differs depending on the mode of operation. Some company’s social media strategy is different from the other. Some are based on picture sharing, some videoblog, some chat through chats and rating.

Today we are going to be talking more about benefits of social media and how it affects our everyday life. Though the journey started with MySpace Yahoo messenger, Friendster and others.

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Taking a closer look on social media today, we now have lots and lots of social networking sites; Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Instagram, tuenti, Vine, Google handout, VK, Linkedin and more.

How They Affect Your Life

5 to 10 percent of today’s internet users don’t actually know how to control their time on the internet. This shows a massive form of addiction that is similar to that of those on drug – a degradation of white matter in the region that controls emotional processing, attention and decision making.

This happens so because social media provide reward with little effort applied which then leave the brain rewired and needing more urge, more neuro joy after each interaction – sounding more like drug addiction?

The social media do not actually increase our multi-tasking ability in the work place but rather reduces the rate at which we can commit our works to memory.

Phantom vibration syndrome is a relatively new mind syndrome where you think your phone goes off when it didn’t. A study shows that 89% of people experience this at least ones in two weeks.

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It looks like our brain now perceives inch like a Phone vibration; technology is now beginning to rewire our nervous system and our brain now being triggered the way they have never had since history. Social media also triggered the released dopamine.

Inside the brain, dopamine plays important roles in motor control, arousal, cognitive control, and reward, as well as a number of basic lower-level functions including lactation, sexual urge, and nausea.

This motivates us to talk about our self more online as opposed to others mostly when we have to say, 500 followers. Studies have shown that people tend to love each other the more when they meet for the first time online than when they meet physically.

There is now statistical increase in the number of married people today that actually met each other online. Hope this was rewarding? Follow us on twitter and a like on our Facebook page wouldn’t cause any harm at all. You are also free to leave a comment in our comment box.