Web Whatsapp | Whatsapp Web | Whatsapp On Pc @ Www.Whatsapp.Com

Web Whatsapp | Whatsapp Web | Whatsapp On Pc  @  Www.Whatsapp.Com —Whatsapp is a muliti-OS cross-platform messaging app. With over 900 million active users, whatsatpp has turned out as a leading house hold name app among the list of social media today.
Whatsapp messenger is a cross-platform messenger that allows you to send instant messages — text messages, images, video, user location and audio media messages to client from smartphones. It use to be just on the mobile app platform only before now — BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone, Nokia Series 40, iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS, Symbian, Tizen, Firefox OS.
Whatsapp helps in basic messaging, create groups, send each other unlimited images to your chat list, video and audio media messages are sent free using this app.

Whatsapp Web Or Web Whatsapp Introduction

I am glad to let you know that whatsapp is now on the web platform. Web whatsapp is the latest toast of the day today.
Whatsapp web give you unlimited access to the services of whatsapp on  PC this time. Web whatsapp was designed mainly for the PC freaks and those that their life runs around PC.
It is now very easy to chat with friends, family and client from your PC.
Whatsapp for PC supports notifications through the Windows notification area of your PC. Web whatsapp was actually released for public use January 21, 2015. The desktop version can be activated by syncing the mobile version using Bar code.
Whatsapp web or web whatsapp is simply an extension of your phone interface; wearing the interface that is based on the default Android looks of the whatsapp.

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How To Use Whatsapp Web Or Web Whatsapp

Web whatsapp can only be activated by syncing the mobile version using Bar code. The following steps will give you a quick rundown on how to send and receive whatsapp messages using you PC.
When you are using whatapp web, it will be needless to:
• Go for whatsapp download for PC or using Blue stack powered by Android emulator
• A simple web browser logon (Chrome, Mozilla, Opera mini and more) you can connect your whatsapp web.

Steps On Whatsapp Web Avtivation.


First Lunch your whats app on your mobile device; make sure that you’re have a functional and updated mobile whataspp.


With your PC connected to the internet, lunch any of your favorite browsers on your computer, be very sure your PC’s internet is fast as well and moving. Then logon to web.whatsapp.com. This will display a whatsapp web page as shown in the image below. Take a look out a QR code. With that done, let us now move back to your phone.


I know by now that your app is opened on your mobile device, (Android, Symbian, iOS or Windows Phone), next is to click on chat ↦ to show your chat list ↦ again click on menu option ↦ quickly scroll down to whatsapp web ↦ select the whatsapp web.whatsapp web. The above process will automatically switch on your camera in the square box o your mobile phone, then focus your camera to the desktop QR code on your PC browser as displayed on the image earlier in step 2, and hold on for some few seconds for the scanning process to complete.
Looking closely through the screen, Ensure that your camera covers the QR Code (Very important)as shown in the image below.whatsapp web If the process fails to works, go through again it as shown in the process works pretty well. With that done, you will be automatically connected to the web platform or web whatsapp of whatsapp chat.

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Whatsapp web functions much more better than the mobile view as it avails users the needed opportunity to chat using your laptop keyboard, you can now share those videos, files, photos, on your laptop with families and friends without having to sync with any device this time around.
it is now possible to now work and whatsapp simultaneously. Yes! And all the features that are present on the mobile version of your whatsapp are still present on the desktop version.

Hope it helped? If it does, share with friends and catch fun.

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