Computer Security | Cyber Security | IT Security

Computer Security, Cyber Security, IT SecurityComputer security: you may choose to call it Cyber Security or IT security as all represents the threats that you system is opened to whether online or offline.

Computer security represents the general security of information gadgets covering anti-theft, the general destruction of the hardware and software as well as the information contained in them, or on the other hand, malfunctioning or adjustment of the functionality of the system. The term also covers for any physical damage or harm that may be caused through the software access, network access, data or even code injections and adjustment to the operational settings and controls.

Computer security is also associated with Computer networking, information security, online security, knowing the best security and security systems, security issues, security threats, website security, computer protection, security site, pc security, security risk, security policy, free security, security tool, software security, application security, firewall, security devices and data security.


Lately, we have grown into a world that is widely controlled by computer programming against the default manual world.

That makes computer security to cover areas like public utility controls, variety of smart devices like Smartphone, television and other gadgets that needs internet connection and network. So it takes only best antivirus or professional antivirus to stay safe.

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It covers internet and private networks like Bluetooth, wi fi and other wireless networks.

The essence of computer security is to mitigate vulnerability to attacks from malware, worm virus, spyware and other attacks that could lead to stealing of information, damage of data, malfunctioning of computer hardware and software or total breakdown of the gadgets due to backdoor security treats.

Computer security spreads to both backdoor (situation or system of bypassing original mode of security  controls) and Denial-of-service attack; it makes a service rendering machine or network unavailable for use to its end users due to attack by malware.

Other measures used in this kind of attack include;

Spoofing: this involves falsification or misguiding of data for another party.

Tampering: The deliberate readjustment of a products settings and functionalities.

Privileged Escalation: attackers use this process to exceed restricted level of access thereby elevating their access to certain level of restricted information.

Phishing: Phishing is a mode of gaining vital information like username and password as well as credit card details using email spoofing with the aid of malicious spyware virus. In most cases, it lures users to entering their vital information to wrong Webpages and thereby stealing these details.

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Direct Access Attack: where attackers gain access physically to data devices, install and introduce malicious software like keylggers, worm, spyware aim at modifying the operations and function of the device.


Financial Institutions: Banks in most cases are prone to these attacks, as attackers target credit cards numbers, bank accounts, ATM Pins and more.

Utilities and Industrial Equipment: Utilities like telecommunication, power grid; nuclear power plants can be target for attack.

Aviation: Most customers’ information can be mal-handled, false booking and wrong communication of proceeding and operation in aviation sector or industry.

Consumer Devices: In most cases, Botnet from worm attack has tremendous effects on customers’ devices like Smartphone, Tablets, computers, smart watches and mobile devices that uses network.

Large Co Operations: Large cooperation are mostly targeted aimed toward exhorting, transferring or Mal-handling of their vital information. Government and automobile are not exempted.