Aol.Com Registration | Sign Up Aol Mail At Www.Aol.Com

Aol.Com Registration | Sign Up AOL Mail At Www.Aol.Com: is now a worldwide name in the world of emailing service.

The mail mogul is owned and managed by AOL.

I will like to let users know that AOL mail is free for all user. It is rated as one of the most secured mail.

Before we continue, I will like you to click this link to sign in or sign up aolc mail.

The name AOL was gotten from American Online and abbreviated AOL to help easy spelling and access to this mail giant.

Most people misrepresent AOL mail as AIM which stands for the AOL Instant Messenger arm of aol.

For you to use AIM, you will need to register AOL mail to gain instant access to aol mail account at anytime you want.

Feature of mail

  1. Aol is a free mail service with unlimited storage capacity. So you have nothing to fear about storage space when signing Up
  2. Users can attach up to 25MB of files alongside mails sent out.
  3. The expiry date of aol mail is 90 days compare to 6 months of Gmail and Yahoo mail.
  4. is built with an intuitive spam filter that that stop the penetration of spam mails.
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Mails suspected to be spam are sent to spam mails immediately.

  1. Not that aol mail supports POP3, SMTP/IMAP settings.
  2. The spell check features of aol mails help users reduce typographic errors.

This mail comes to various Domains ranging from,,, and more. This is aimed at helping you secure your best of choice mail.

  1. Ads display; don’t be disturbed when you see ads display on your inbox. The ads are aimed at support for the free mail service.

AOL Mail Registration | How to register Free AOL Mail

The process of signing up AOL is quite simple.

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Follow our steps below to sign up Gmail.

  1. To own your own Aol Mail, click on Create AOL Mail Free now.
  2. Enter your entire data as may be required by the mail service on the online form.
  3. Click on Submit to complete the mail registration process.

Congratulations and you are now an AOL mail owner.

Sign In AOL

To Sign in, click here.

This will take you to a page where you can enter your details (username and password).

You can access aol mail account from both laptop or mobile device.

Start sending picture and files from your device to friends and client through