Future Expectations From Whatsapp Chat

Future Expectations From Whatsapp

Whatsapp messenger, a popular brand when it comes to chat, voice messages, group chats, sending of voice and video messages and well of location sharing, is making the headlines again with the rumor that whatsapp Inc is developing other features to help make whatsapp the toast of the moment when it comes to chat. Over the months, there has been news about WhatsApp chat wanting to introduce more feature; WhatsApp voice call, WhatsApp PC version, universal search, new material design and more in other to match the competition been posted by other social media like wechat, Skype and more. Whatsapp developers are seriously carrying out a lot of test on the futuristic features which we hope will help WhatsApp become the best user-friendly social messaging company.

Introduction of History Whatsapp Chat:

Most WhatsApp users over the years had made a lot of complaints regarding WhatsApp chat history mostly when it comes to switching the account to another device. As it stands, Whatsapp can’t restore messages when you’re switching the account to another mobile device or when you try reinstalling your App.

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There are suggestions that WhatsApp should introduce an additional tab or some facility to save chats from their dearest ones so they can have access to these messages subsequently.

Rumors making the rounds are of the opinion that developers of Whatsapp are carrying out a test on a new feature, which will be as efficient as Google Drive mostly in the area of cloud storage facility. The most awaited Chat History will allow all Whatsapp users to back up their Whatsapp messages on the cloud facility.

Addition of WhatsApp emoticons and better security enhancement

According to Electronic Frontier Foundation security test on WhatsApp chat shows WhatsApp has been relatively low which calls for a better security from the developers.

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To check security issues, Whatsapp has taken up the initiative to make its data much more secure by fixing its bugs and raise its security in other to protect its client’s interest – report by Ordoh. We were meant to know that Whatsapp is also working on adding up new racial emojis to help users express their thoughts, emotions, and actions with ease.

Whatsapp May Introduce Video calling:

Whatsapp chat is likely to take the completion on the vine, Skype Viber, and Wechat to the next level by introducing video calling via Whatsapp banking on its call quality and easy access on the 2G/3G network. I personal think that this will be a welcome development