Inbox Gmail App Review | What You Need To Know About Inbox Gmail

Inbox Gmail App Review | What You Need To Know About Inbox Gmail

Inbox was actually built to help in organizing your mails and to help users save a whole lot of time.

Gmail inbox app comes handy when it comes to its new features; highlights, bundles, reminders, snooze, search, works with Gmail, inbox for sorting, an organized inbox, 15 GB of free storage, less spam and more.

Inbox Gmail This brief tutorial will explain extensively all the great features that Gmail inbox brings to the table and what you stand to gain out of it…

Inbox Gmail App Features.

We will take the time to explain all of the new add up to the new inbox Gmail app that makes it thick and working.

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Inbox Highlight – with the coming of highlight, users don’t need to run around their mailbox in search of some vital emails like shipping information, flight check-in, purchases and photos from a friend. All these are displayed in a highlight for easy check through.

Inbox Bundles – Formally, emails are just the way they come but with Bundle, users can now attend lots of related mails once. Not just date, they can clear of snoozed by a mere swipe.
Inbox Remainder– Gmail Inbox app Gmail is now more of a to-do-list as it can serve as a reminder. You can choose to place some mails on reminder and Inbox will successfully remind you to attend to those mails at you set time. With the bundle, you can now easily get what you are looking for and attend to them once and for all.

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Inbox Snooze – There are some mails that you can not readily attend to now, you can choose to use the snooze or reminder to make the mail come back say the next week, next time or place depending on the time you a lot for it.

Inbox Search– The search button can help you dig out that mail no matter where is it in the inbox. The search is built with high precision as it can help you scout out that important mail like; upcoming flight, friend address and more without you running around the entire inbox.