Gmail Contact Details – How to Learn More About Your Contacts

Gmail Contact Details – How to Learn More About Your Contacts

Indeed Gmail helps us get some vital details about contacts that send us emails. Gmail made this possible when it introduces Gmail’s people widget. This feature is located on the right-hand side of your message. These features show you the contextual information about those you receive or send email messages. It brings to you details about the people you are having email or chat with.

How To Get Gmail Contact Details of Your Contacts

To get this done, simply click on the contact’s name right there on the right-hand side of your inbox. This will help you to get the full details of your contact.

This Gmail Contacts Detail includes an email address and name of the contact. Others are the occupation, list of Google plus posts, a list of recent emails sent to you from that contact, All Google calendar events of the said contacts Calendar shared with you. It will still display all Google docs shared between both of you before now.

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If you having several contacts on an email thread, it will be the contact having the unread message the will their information display? So to get information about any other contact, you will firstly need to click on the said the more link on top of the contact widget to have access to the details of the contact.

So you can no more be denied of your contact details. You can activate or disable people widget at any point in time. To disable and or enable, click on the gear buttons in the upper right of your inbox. With that done, click on “Settings”, look out for the “General” tab; choose “Hide the people widget” buttons. When you are done with it, click the save change button to save the entire settings.

Create Contact Groups

There are times we enter several people’s emails instead of using group contact. Let us say you want to send mail to your mom, dad, sister, and brothers, you can choose to add them up by creating a contact group for them.

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This group contacts can still be used to say an organization that sends the periodic bulk email. The emails to the recipient can be sent with ease when you decide to create group contact for them. This will ease the entire process than typing each of them one after the other.

To create this, click on the contact along close to your Gmail Homepage. Choose the contact you wish to add to the group by ticking the box close to the contact names. Select Group and click on “Create new”. You will need to name the group for proper identity and new you will see the group appear on the left-hand side of the navigation.

So next time you want to send such a large email to the people in that group, simply select the group and all the contacts in the group will be made to receive the email. Always remember to save Gmail Contact Detail of those your new contacts so you can build your group contacts with them.