How To Use Gmail Email – The Gmail Tips You Need To Know

How To Use Gmail Email – The Gmail Tips You Need To Know: – Gmail Email is Google’s contribution to internet mail service. Gmail is special because of the functionality and crisp interface that can be used by all. The look looks fewer clustered when compared to other webmail services. This email service is Google’s perfect suite of office tools.

Gmail Email Tips

With Gmail, users can connect directly with their Google Calendar and Google plus account.

All your attachments are on your Gmail Account are opened in you Google Doc. You can as well choose to save them in your Google Drive.

Google Email marked the beginning of Calendar just the same way it introduced Label in place of traditional folders found in other webmail services like Yahoo mail, Yandex mail, DMX, MSN Hotmail, Rediff mail and more. Google’s features in Gmail can be seen as well in other Google product and Google apps.

Remember that a single Gmail email you setup atomically gives you access to other Google service. These lists of services include; Google plus, Google Docs, YouTube, AdSense, Google Play Store, Google analytics and more.

No wonder Gmail users now rank above 800 million. This number outranked Yahoo mail and Hotmail that happens to be Gmail major rivals in the webmail business.

Gmail inbox for mobile phone users and tablet is another great plus to Gmail innovation in the email business. This Gmail app is not restricted to mobile users alone as Gmail now introduces Gmail app for desktop users. With this app, users can get a notification each time there is a new mail in the inbox.

Gmail storage Capacity is unbeatable. Feel free to save your works and digital files using your Gmail account which you can as well sync with your Google drive account.

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Gmail Email search Box

The search box is what interests me most. No hustle and struggle when you which to get a specific mail from your inbox. All you have to do is to key in the keyword in the search box. You can choose to use the sender’s name, email address, the title of the mail or more.

Gmail Labels

These labels on Gmail email account helps Gmail stand out from other competitors. It replaced the tradition folder and hands users more control in handling emails. Users can manage label, create new ones, archive mail and more using this option.

Sorting emails is no longer a big deal when using your Gmail.

Gmail Smart Spam Filtering

Junk and spammy emails is almost history since the introduction of Gmail Smart Spam Filtering features. Spammy emails are moved out of your sight and any sender with his or her email address marked spam will have all their subsequent emails sent to the spam folder without your consent.

Remember that offers all these services for free except for those that are on the Gmail Plus package.

Other Gmail Tips

15GB Storage Space: Gmail comes with extensive storage space that users don’t need to delete any mail because of space issue. You still have the option of buying more storage space to suit your need.  Users can as well share contents on Gmail with Doc and Google Plus.

Automatic Tab: The service helps you sort your mail with ease using tabs. These tabs include Primary, Social, and Updates from saying social media like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and more. You can now handle forum messages and mailing group without missing out from any.

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Configure Tab: remember that you can configure your tab and make it function the way you want it. Each tab can be switched off and on. Any tab you choose to do away with does not mean you are deleting the emails inside.

Creating Label: You can create your own labels anytime. These labels can be made tp serve as the hidden label under any other labels.

Gmail Filters: Hunt for more filters outside the default filter available. With your filter, you can tag incoming mail on what label or tab to go into. With your search click “Create filter with Your Search”. You can then use the next dialogue box to program how your Gmail will function.

POP Email: Gmail allows you add POP3 account. With this, users can connect another email account to Gmail and retrieve the emails from that mail in the inbox of the present account. This addition of email account must not be restricted to Gmail mail accounts only. Users can add email account of other emails service providers.

Your Own Address: You can manipulate which address you use in sending emails. To get this done, held on to Gmail, General setting, Accounts and select “Add another email Address you own”.

Remember that to access Gmail from other webmail accounts, you will need to enable POP and IMAP. To get this down, held on to POP/IMAP Download” tab from the Gmail settings. Click on enable buttons for both to be activated.

Gmail Mail Servers

Out Going Mail SMTP server

Port: 465 or 587

Requires SSL: Yes

Requires Authentication: Yes

Use same settings as incoming mail server.

Incoming Mail (POP3) Server

Port: 995

Requires SSL: Yes

Incoming Mail (IMAP) server:

Requires SSL: Yes