Web Whatsapp | Whatsapp Web | Whatsapp On Pc @ Www.Whatsapp.Com —Whatsapp is a muliti-OS cross-platform messaging app. With over 900 million active users, whatsatpp has turned out as a leading house hold name app among the list of social media today.
Whatsapp messenger is a cross-platform messenger that allows you to send instant messages — text messages, images, video, user location and audio media messages to client from smartphones. It use to be just on the mobile app platform only before now — BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone, Nokia Series 40, iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS, Symbian, Tizen, Firefox OS.
Whatsapp helps in basic messaging, create groups, send each other unlimited images to your chat list, video and audio media messages are sent free using this app.
Smart Reply: The New Google Email Feature That Write Replies For You
Smart Reply: the New Google email feature that write replies for you: Smart Reply Not too long ago, Gmail lunch it famous Google inbox. This was a plus to the Gmail email app team. The Gmail inbox app was a massive upgrade to the mail company.
How to reset Your Hotmail Password | Password Reset sign-in Problems
Most people have written to me about their inabilities to access their Hotmail inbox due to Hotmail Password login problem. In this article, I will show you the simple workaround that will help you solve your Hotmail sign in issues once and for all using Hotmail password reset. This information will help you get back your account as quickly as possible
Whatsapp Call: How To Activate Whatsapp Voice Call On Your Device
Whatsapp Call: How To Activate Whatsapp Voice Call On Your Device: Most social media are now integrating VoIP (voice call) to their rank. We all know most of the famous and veteran social media networks (Skype, Viber, wechat, facebook and more) that has function over the years on free or paid voice calls.
Linkedin marketing Guide that you must adhere to
Linkedin from a humble start few years ago is now turned out to become a major force in the world today with over 380 million registered users worldwide and with a rising figure as the day goes by.
Linkedin serves both professional and business minded people alike. Lots of professionals now use LinkedIn for job recruitment while the business world uses LinkedIn as a great marketing tool aimed at increasing their business empire.
Chromecast Picture: Cast those Your Amazing Pictures on Your Home TV
Chromecast Picture: Cast those Your Amazing Chromecast Pictures on Your TV Now: – Chromecast services are beyond casting movies as users can now cast their pictures on home TV using Chromecast. The is an alternative to old hat slide show.
Chromecast Presentations: How To Chromecast Presentations Using Google Slide
Chromecast Presentations: How To Use Chromecast Setup For Presentations Using Google Slide.
Have you ever done a presentation that failed due to a poor presentation? That will now be a thing of the past as I introduce you to how you can do presentation Google Slides and show the same presentation with Chromecast.
Windows 10 November Update Restored to Windows Update and MCT
Windows 10 November Update Restored to Windows Update and MCT: Microsoft last weekend came up with a surprise update in its windows 10 November Update. The update brought lots of concern from tech guru across board.
Happy New Year | Happy New Year Images | Happy New Year 2021 HNY
Happy New Year | Happy New Year Images | Happy New Year 2021 (HNY):New Year celebration is an annual ritual to mark the beginning of the year. It is observed on January 1st of every year in line with the Gregorian calendar.
Just as Christmas and Easter day stands for the birth and resurrection of Christ, happy New Year is a yearly slogan and wishes common among the members of the world’s public.
Apple Steps Into Virtual Reality
Apple is out to follow the footsteps of fellow Tech giants; Facebook, Google and Microsoft to delve into a new technology water of virtual and augmented reality technology. This area is seen by most analysts as the next future tech biggest market.